Full Guide to Finally Getting Bigger Arms

Full Guide to Finally Getting Bigger Arms

Everyone wants bigger arms right? you wouldn't be reading this otherwise would ya! 

Whether you’re trying to fill out your t-shirt sleeves or just flex on your mates mum, there’s something satisfying about having arms that actually look like you lift.

But if you’ve been curling for months and your arms still look like two sad, overcooked noodles then it's time to fix your sh*t. 

Here’s exactly how I turned my arms from "Do you even lift bro?" to "Bro, what’s your arm day routine?" 

1. Stop Treating Arms Like a Warm-Up

I used to finish a brutal chest workout, then casually throw in a few sets of biceps and triceps at the end. Spoiler alert: that’s why my arms weren’t growing.

If you actually want to build big arms, stop treating them like an afterthought. Give them their own dedicated training focus. 

✅Train biceps and triceps on their own day as an arm day. 

it’s about consistently hitting your arms with enough volume and intensity.

2. Triceps = 2/3 of Your Arm Size (So Train Them Like It) 

Everyone loves bicep curls (including me), but here’s a reality check: your triceps make up two-thirds of your arm size. If you’re only curling and wondering why your arms aren’t growing, that’s like only training quads and expecting big legs.

What actually works?
Close-grip bench press – Heavy and effective for building mass
Dips – The chest-builder that’s secretly a triceps killer as well
Skull crushers – the burn is insane (when done correctly) 

Get your triceps strong, and your arms will actually start to look f*cking huge.

3. Stop Half-Repping Your Curls

You know that guy at the gym swinging 20kg dumbbells like he’s in a rock concert? or maybe that's you? 

The best arm growth happens when you control the weight instead of letting momentum do the work. That means:
✅ Full range of motion (all the way up, all the way down)
✅ No swinging your back like you’re dodging punches
SLOW. CONTROLLED. REPS. (I cannot stress this enough!) 

If you’re using so much momentum that your lower back is doing more work than your biceps, drop the weight and lift with your arms, not your ego. 

If you’re using so much momentum that your lower back is doing more work than your biceps, drop the weight and lift with your arms, not your ego.

TRY THIS: Next time you train biceps, drop your normal weight by 5kg and do slow, strict curls with a full range of motion with a 2-0-2 tempo.

you will feel the difference. Guaranteed. Now imagine doing that consistently...

Still need some help? Click below for a Free Consultation so we can create your dream physique together with a personalised training plan. 

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